I recently read a book that had a huge impact on me. I picked it up at the library “by mistake”. Ha! I live I Sedona, I know better than mistakes!! I got home, looked at it, wondered what it was, and thought I’d read it anyhow. Funny how Spirit puts things in our paths when we’re open and allowing.
The book is an ostensibly simple story about a woman’s life, told through the perspective of how her soul orchestrated a life contract so it could learn and experience certain things. The story showed how when we incarnate, we forget there is a plan and then wonder why on earth we’re doing the things we’re doing, and what the point of it all is. So, we judge and condemn ourselves and others, blame everyone for our pain, make what we consider to be huge stupid mistakes, ad nauseam. You know the feeling?
So, when I looked at my life from this higher perspective – and really this story could be about any of us—I got such a different view. So much self-judgment, fear and doubt about this journey I call my life simply disappeared, leaving nothing but love and compassion behind. I became able to look at the people around me differently too, seeing them as souls on a journey to learn, grow and experience. I have become free of the compulsion to judge their paths, personalities, and choices and can simply honor and bless them -- and myself too. I see how courageous we all are to have embarked on these journeys we call life and bless all of it. Wow, what a liberating shift this has been!
I felt a strong desire to share my experience by leading a study group. After my friend John read the book and had a similar experience, we decided it would be fun to co-facilitate it. We submitted a proposal to our minister here at Unity of Sedona and were approved to offer the workshop, which we’re calling Earth School for Souls, at the church. This is new for me. I’ve worked with some groups in the past, but this is different. I’m so glad to be sharing the experience with John, as we each bring different skills and perspectives to the group.
Our dear minister, Mark Pope, reminds us to simply allow Spirit to use us as we are, to surrender to being a channel for grace in whatever way it wants to come through us. So, last Sunday we announced the workshop at church and were met with a great deal of enthusiasm.
As divine timing would have it, this past weekend I also participated with 24 other dear friends in what was originally termed Chaplain Training. It was a deeply transformational weekend, beginning with a heart opening ceremony in which all of us experienced opening to divine energy more deeply than ever before. It also included a death ritual, in which we imagined that we only had two more hours to live. We surrendered attachments to people, places, things, attitudes and judgments. We wrote a last will and testament. And we wrote last words to loved ones, and also to those we have less than loved. We surrendered our plans, our wills, our dreams. Then we burned it all.
I realized as I gave all that away, that none of it was real or important except the love I had given and received along the way from family and friends. It may be that I never felt the love for all of them as strongly as I did in that ceremony. So, I will share what I wrote with them so they don’t have to wait till I’m gone from this body to know it.
I truly felt as though I had completed my old life lessons. I felt I had done well with this life and could return to heaven having completed my curriculum. That felt good.
So on Saturday, we all began new lives. We spent the day sharing deeply with each other and the love, compassion and rejoicing were astounding to behold. The depth of oneness among us continues. I’m happy and excited to be embarking on this path now, so free, so clear, so opened, so full of love and light. All of us are forever transformed.
I have spent the last couple of years pretty quietly, doing a lot of inner healing, coming to a lot of realizations. It is obvious now that this year is about me showing up, stepping up, and allowing whatever gifts, talents and abilities I have to be seen and shared. I wrote about that last time, and how my big earrings remind me that I’ve outgrown the phase of my life where I played small and safe. How wonderful it is that as the activity of grace has so prepared me for this time, and now I’m ready to say yes, I will serve. I will speak, share, show up because I’ve been so filled with light and grace that it is just overflowing. And it feels so good.
The book, by the way is A Hit of Heaven by Andrea Avari, PhD. It is available on Amazon.com or through the author’s website, www.andreaavari.com. And for those of you in the Sedona area, the study group is being held at Unity of Sedona in the sanctuary, on Monday evenings, beginning August 2, at 6:30pm. The suggested love offering is $10 per class or $50 for the series of 6. The book is required, and we have them available for $10. Pre-registration is requested but not required. Email me at meredithdavis1@gmail.com if you want more info.
My friend John the eloquent writer and poet has posted a new blog and I highly recommend that you check it out at http://in-lite-un.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
More Fun on the Path
Last night I attended a pool party and BBQ for “grads” of a Native American shamanic energy healing workshop series I attended earlier in the year. Before we’re allowed to eat and play, we begin the evening with a review of one aspect of what we learned, taking the teaching deeper and learning new ways to apply it in our lives. So, the evening is a nice combination of learning, remembering, reunion with close friends, meeting new people, and then moving on to food and fun.
These Shamanic energy healing techniques and teachings are ancient, even thousands of years old and have been passed on through generations of medicine men and women. I feel very privileged to be learning them, incorporating them into my daily life, and seeing how they correlate with the other spiritual paths I’ve been studying and practicing.
As we gathered in the home of one of the instructors, seated ourselves on cushions around the room, we began as always by passing the bowl of smudge to clear the energy and our auras. I love the smudge, the fragrant smoke that is mostly white sage. I noticed how much it’s like the incense in the Catholic Church, with the addition of some different herbs. But the process and purpose are the same. We cleanse ourselves and allow our prayers and our intentions to be purified and holy, to float with the smoke into the heavens.
Then we pass the talking stick. I love the talking stick too. Every household should have one, if you ask me. When you hold it, you automatically step into the place of knowing that you are intending to speak your heart’s truth, whatever that is. Somehow just holding on to that stick gives the courage to say the hard things. And the “rules” of the stick are that you can speak safely, and the other party has to listen with their heart and not interrupt. So, we began our evening with the instruction to share something about ourselves that people don’t know, and that it was to be a fairly deep something. We were told to filter through layers of ideas of what to say until we came to something that made us feel vulnerable to share.
As the stick went around the room, we heard beautiful, sincere, confessions, really, of vulnerability and fear and then how these feelings transmuted into goals, hopes, aspirations, accomplishments, learning and growth. I only knew about half the people in the room, so it was a beautiful thing to listen to these men and women speaking so freely from the depths of their souls. And we learned from each other by listening. We learned how much alike we are, how we all struggle with so many of the same issues. And we laughed and celebrated and encouraged each others’ goals and determination in moving forward.
When it was my turn, I spoke about how I’ve played it so safe. Like so many others, I lived according to what I thought people expected of me, deciding what behavior seemed appropriate, and acting accordingly. Of course, I have no idea what people expected, only what I came up with in my own mind. Not a formula for authenticity, boldness and daring by any means.
For a number of years now, my friends have been telling me I have gifts to share, that I’m a teacher and an inspiration and that it is time for me to show that side of myself. I shared with the group last night how the workshops I attended had challenged me, bringing up fear of --- well, of what? Being exposed as a sham? Of acting inappropriately? Of looking foolish? I don’t know, all of that I guess.
I’m happy to say that through these workshops and teachings, I burned through all that. I seemed to have a fear of being seen and maybe falling short, so I played it safe and nice. Now I know that my soul wants to show up and play bigger and harder.
So, the question then is—the one that’s afraid—is that the True Self? The Highest Soul? Or is it the ego trying to keep things the way they’ve always been. I think the answer is obvious. So, you could say, I've come out. I’ve determined to allow the Light of this Soul to be seen. After all, Whose are the gifts and talents? And if they are of the Spirit, it is Spirit shining through, not this little vulnerable ego, which really is nothing more than a pattern in the brain, not even real.
Today in church our minister, Mark, told a story about finding himself called to stand and speak before and audience, back when he was still in his barely awakened hippie stage. He recounted how a wise elderly woman sitting next to him reminded him that it wouldn’t be him speaking, but Spirit, and the best thing to do is just relax and surrender and let Spirit show up the way it wants to.
That’s such profound truth. If we could live our lives that way, just letting Spirit show up in us, through us, and as us, we would watch in delight as Life unfolds in magical, mysterious, miraculous ways, far beyond anything we could imagine. I actually do that a lot, and it is amazing and awe inspiring. Plus, a lot more fun than I could come up with! Through grace, I continue to discover more areas of life to surrender to Spirit, areas where I’m still contracted, fearful, cautious. Grace continues to show me when I need to challenge the voice that says you shouldn’t, or you can’t, or you’d better play it safe and dull.
So, one of my really secret, powerful spiritual tools is my earrings. I’m now called to let Spirit shine big through me, so I started with my earrings. (Spirit doesn’t expect us to get up one day and walk on water, you know) I used to wear little, conservative, safe, inoffensive earrings. Now I pretty much wear the biggest ones I can find. They remind me to show up and shine.
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