Plus a new healing protocol and meditation practice that can help you change
How you see
What you see
What you filter out.... and why
Would you like to
Experience connecting more fully with your Higher Self?
Understand the science that validates our self healing practices?
Release the energetic imprinting in the optic nerves?
Integrate and entrain healing frequencies to balance and reprogram the brain?
Experience integrating eyes, brain, heart, chakras and higher self energies?
Learn how to ground it all into a new and expanded way to perceive?
Read through to sign up for the special session introducing this powerful practice
Here's how this all came about:
One of my intentions going into 2015 was to ‘see’ more. As an energy healing practitioner and spiritual counselor and coach, this is obviously important. When I work, I shift into a higher, more finely tuned state of awareness and am shown how to track energy patterns in the client, release them so the client becomes more fully aligned with their soul and spirit. So my request has been—I want to see more, more clearly, more fully. And—I want to see what perhaps I’m still blind to in my own life.
Isn't it funny how answers to our prayers show
up? Sometimes it's instant--like with simple things. Other times,
little clues start appearing and we don't even realize it till the clues start
lining up and then it dawns--oh--this is what I was asking for! That's
how it was with this. A few bits of information about 'sight' and
'seeing' showed up here and there--seemingly unrelated, and then the pattern
One of the first things I ‘saw’ was how we much use
words and analogies for ‘seeing’, as well as our physical eye muscles when we
try to figure things out, to understand and make sense of what is going on,
what decisions to make and which way to go next.
And I kept hearing about situations where those
born without sight can learn to read ordinary books with fingers and toes, and
'see' without eyes.
I also noticed how the optic nerves, third eye,
pineal gland and chakra line all converge in the center of the brain to create
a grid like formation.
Those of you who've had a healing session with me
lately know that a lot of work goes on in the brain both energetically and
physically--shifting and releasing patterns, programming and imprints.
It was brought to my attention by Spirit that it was time to include the eyes in this work, and to do it in a specific way.
It was brought to my attention by Spirit that it was time to include the eyes in this work, and to do it in a specific way.
Did you ever notice how our eyes are kind of out
there in front of everything, as if they are on guard and responsible—that they
have to be the guardians of the rest of us hidden away inside. The eyes
watch, scan, and search taking in information and sending it to the brain for
analysis. And, because it is that imprinted and conditioned brain, we end
up ‘seeing’ the world according to that conditioning.
Our eyes seek that which we long for, and yet,
because of the brain programming, often filter it out. They look for
danger, and often find it. It's time to bring them home, give them a
rest, and activate a new way to see.
I’ve been playing with an experimental meditation
practice that works with the eyes, the optic nerves and the optical centers of
the brain. We see with our eyes, right? Well, sort of.....
This practice actually helps change how we see, what we see, what we filter
out.... and why.
One of the things I've noticed is that my concept
of ‘seeing’ has changed. As I’ve practiced this
chakra/brain/eye/heart/higher self alignment and connection, my whole being
‘sees’--it sometimes feels like my whole body is seeing, not just my
eyes! Or perhaps perceives is the more accurate word. I’ve also noticed
that I can relax. The perception is coming from deep within. Wow,
what a sensation! And everything seems to manifest more easily and with clarity.
I didn’t get that until I actually practiced
relaxing and pulling inward. Many of us have used the word 'centering',
as have I. And for the last several years. I've been using the conscious
practice of aligning with my Higher Self to clear, balance, restore and more
fully connect. Yet consciously bringing the eyes into this practice has
deepened and expanded it in a powerful and tangible way. It is something
I must practice often, because the habit of ‘looking’ outward and straining is
extremely ingrained. After all, we ‘see’ with our eyes,
I’ve found that the busier I am, the more choices
and decisions are before me, the more I need this practice, and then the easier it
becomes to notice what to do, how to do it and how I might be standing in my
own way. It has brought a beautiful and powerful new ease and flow to my life, as well as depth to my
meditation and healing practice.
I have been reminded of several verses from the New
Testament of the Bible: If thine eye be single, the whole body shall be
filled with light. And “I pray that the eyes of your heart be opened."
I'm excited to continue working with this
personally and ‘see’ what opens up!
I'm also ready to share the experience of this
practice and how you can use it to facilitate changes in your life. If
you're curious and ready, I'm offering a group phone session at a special introductory price.
Here is the information:
Here is the information:
Cost: Live session plus Downloadable recording: $25
Note: You don't need to be on the live session--register anyway and receive the recording
Click here to register
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